
Metro 2033 how to change filter
Metro 2033 how to change filter

metro 2033 how to change filter metro 2033 how to change filter

The time you have remaining on a filter is unaffected by your actions (running or jumping), but it is theorized that if Artyom is at "rest" (not breathing heavily, or even better standing near a fire to "calm" him) you will get more time on the filter when you swap one in. It varies, a random filter found in the game world will usually have about one minute of air time, whereas a filter bought from a merchant will have 10 minutes of air time.

metro 2033 how to change filter

Since google searches for how the filters actually work in the game have come up with many varied responses, some of them contradictory, I thought I'd share the known facts here.

Metro 2033 how to change filter